Breadwinner Book Review... by an American Mom Living in Kabul
Breadwinner Parvana's Journey Mud City, by Deborah Ellis More than a Breadwinner book review - our family recommends all three! All three are now sold as a trilogy. These books are a compelling read for both adults and older children. The books follow the heart-wrenching but inspiring story of two young girls who flee Kabul as refugees. When our family was preparing to move here to Kabul in early 2009, I ordered the books in hopes of preparing our children for the journey ahead. I read them first and was concerned that the graphic reality would scare them. We eventually decided to read them as a family, so I could gloss over the more difficult parts – which I soon stopped doing. Our children would hardly let me stop reading! Whatever your children’s ages, you’ll want to discuss the books with them. Highly recommended.
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